FRC – Fast Rescue Craft (small boat) without Search & Rescue at night – Refresher

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FRC - Fast Rescue Craft (small boat) without Search & Rescue at night - Refresher (OSE152)

Target GroupCrew on fixed or floating installations that will man the Fast Rescue Craft (small boat).

ObjectiveUpon completion of the course, delegates should be able to man the Fast Rescue Craft, make use of relevant safety equipment, perform searches, as well as perform first aid on injured personnel.

Course ContentsThe course covers the following topics:

  • Deployment and lifting of the rescue craft.
  • Search and rescue in daylight.
  • First aid training.
  • Use of compass, and calculation of distance travelled.

  • Manouvering and using the fast rescue craft.
  • Picking up injured personnel from the sea.
  • Communications training.

PrerequisitesCompleted Fast Rescue Craft basic course.

ExaminationNo written exam, but delegates need to show their competence through practical tasks according to the NOROG curriculum.

Language course
1 day
2 years
Approved by
Norwegian Oil and Gass Association