Coxswain Conventional Lifeboat Refresher

Coxswain Conventional Lifeboat Refresher

Refresher course for personnel with coxswain responsibilities on conventional lifeboats, within offshore and maritime industries. The course covers the guidelines for refresher courses for coxswains by Norwegian Oil and Gas.

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RelyOn Nutec
NOK 9 281,-
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December 2024
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NOK 9 281,-
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December 2024
NOK 9 281,-
August 2024
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December 2024
Coxswain Conventional Lifeboat Refresher (OSE1361)

Target GroupRefresher course for personnel with coxswain responsibilities on conventional lifeboats, within offshore and maritime industries. The course covers the guidelines for refresher courses for coxswains by Norwegian Oil and Gas.

ObjectiveUpon completion, the delegates should have maintained and developed their knowledge, skills and attitudes towards:

  • Mustering.

  • Readying.

  • Evacuation.

Course Contents

  • Readying lifeboat for evacuation.
  • Communicate via radio, internally in lifeboat and with emergency control.
  • Manouver/ drive lifeboat and prepare for staying on-board.
  • Raising the lifeboat, turning and towing of raft (STCW).

  • Organise and direct mustering and embarkment.
  • Launch lifeboat from installment and drive to a safe zone.
  • Use of emergency systems and equipment for different conditions on-board the lifeboat.


  • Basic safety training.

  • Coxswain basic course.


  • Written exam (STCW).

  • Norwegian Oil and Gas requires no exam.

Language course
1 day
2 years
Approved by
Norwegian Oil and Gass Association